Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Corrective Laser Eye Surgery

Learning About Corrective Laser Eye Surgery

There are a few different types of eye surgery that are available these days, but one of the most popular by far and for good reason is the corrective laser eye surgery. If you have problems with your eyes, you are definitely going to want to learn about corrective laser eye surgery, all that it has to offer, and decide whether or not it is right for you.

What it is

Corrective laser eye surgery is used to correct vision problems, and ensures that you will not have to rely on glasses or contact lenses, which are not only uncomfortable and a nuisance, but costly as well.

The LASIK eye correction surgery has quickly become one of the most popular of its kind in the world, and during this procedure the doctor will use a laser device to make permanent changes to the person’s cornea. They change the shape of the cornea in order to offer permanent results so that you can see properly for the rest of your life and will never have to go back for a follow-up procedure.

There are many benefits offered by this procedure, and in most cases the results are more than satisfactory. However, you do have to be aware that just as with any other procedure, there are certain risks and complications that are involved with the corrective laser eye surgery.

Pain is one of the most commonly experienced side effects, which can range from being mild to severe and which may only last a few days, but if it lasts any longer than this you will need to contact your doctor because it may be a serious problem.

It can also cause dry eyes, which can range from mild to significant and even affect vision. You may also experience a poor quality of night vision due to halos and glare, or even develop a serious condition called corneal ectasia, which is defined as a weakening and bulging of the cornea.

Finding a Doctor

If you have decided that you think the corrective laser eye surgery may in fact be for you, the next step you are going to have to take is to find a LASIK eye surgery doctor. This is the doctor who is going to be performing the surgery on your eyes, and so of course you are going to want to make sure that you are only in the most skilled, qualified hands.

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